lunes, 1 de abril de 2013


In geriatric pathologic process, there are many symptoms that don’t appear like in young people. There are some symptoms as depression, pain, disorientation, dehydration… that repeat in many diseases.

Stomachache and thoracic pain are important to look after, because it can mean important diseases. 

The fever in old people is symptom of infections and other generalized upsets.

In the article Geriatric Syndromes: Clinical, Research and Policy Implications for a Core Geriatric Concept. In this, it is explained the Geriatric Syndromes, their risk factors, and the rule to this syndromes.

I think it's important to know the factors risk to prevent these diseases and provide to the patients the best cares.

Effects of pain:
  - Depression.
  - Decreased of socialization.
  - Changes in dreams.
  - Increased of costs and used of health services.

To measure the pain we must use the EVA scale

My view about the pain is imprecise yet, because the pain is very subjective for each person. Every person had had differents pains in differents ages, and differents capacity of resistance to the pain.

But, on the other hand, I think we must treat all types of pain, because we don't feel the pain and we don't know if the grade of pain is more or less that the patient say.

Urinary and digestive problems
The urinary problems most common in the ageing are polyuria, “nicturia” and “polaquiuria”.
If these are served with dysuria, it will be urinary infections.

Regarding digestive problems, the most common diseases are: heartburn, aerophagia and burps, intestinal obstruction and colecistitis.

Fatigue and debility
It could be a sign for anemia, infection, depression, dehydration or second effect for a drug. The edema in limbs it cause by the immobility too.

  • Organic origin: hypertension, malnutrition, incontinence and difficulty sensorial.
  • Environmental origin: immobility, alcoholism and polimedication.
  • Relational risk: solitude, insomnia and disorientation.
Group of diseases are expressed by pathologic symptoms that not are included in usual diseases.
  - Infections.
  - Instability.
  - Urinary and fecal incontinence.
  - Intellectual impairment.
  - Inanition.
  - Impairment of vision and hearing.
  - Irritable colon.
  - Isolation.
  - Iatrogenesis.
  - Immune deficiency.

  - Most pathologies.
  - Lot of factors.
  - Diseases fast progress.
  - Sensible to infections, dehydrations, anemia, malnutrition and accidents.
  - Immobility syndrome.
  - Apathy, depression and mental confusion.
  - The prognosis is not much favorable.

Diseases geriatrics
  - Psychic dependence.
  - Iatrogenic.
  - Immobility syndrome: ulcers, incontinences, constipation.

I have found a Guide to Geriatric Syndromes where are defined the most common of this syndromes and their cares. This guide is from New York, so we can compare our cares with their.

1 comentario:

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