sábado, 6 de abril de 2013


Minor cognitive alteration: intellectual decrease of clinical appearance but there isn’t functional incapacity. If would be this last, it will denominate dementia.

Petersen’s Rules to include minor cognitive alteration:
  • Memory fails.
  • Normal general cognitive efficiency.
  • Absence of functional defects in day – to – day activities.

  • Memory: it loss the work memory, episodic and free memory.
  • Language: it loss the denomination and decreased the verbal fluency.
  • Decreased the reasoning, capacity to resolve problems and the velocity to process the information.
  • It preserves the attention.
  • Neurologic evaluation: level of attention, orientation, collaboration, senses, muscle tone, trembling or other moves.

It’s important to identify the:
  • Delirium: alterations in the attention and the level of conscience.
  • Depression: loss of memory, psychomotor slowing – down, less motivation to do the tests.
Scale’s evaluation:

Decrease of memory and psychological alterations. 

Primary degenerative dementia
  - Alzheimer, Pick disease, Parkinson disease, Huntington…

Vascular dementia
  - Because of ischemic, heart attack, hemorrhage…

Secondary dementia
  - Metabolic, endocrine, infection, drugs, psychiatric…

Deterioration of memory, destruction of intellectual function and change of personality. It is classifies in 3 states:

First state:
  • Memory: loss of memory, difficulty to remember nouns or words, loss in family ways…
  • Language: decrease of communication, reduction in vocabulary, without facial expression, to say impertinences…
  • Behavior and mood: change of mood, depression, facility to distraction, necessity to look for people or places families…
  • Coordination: slowing – down of reaction time, incapacity to drive.

Second state:
  • Memory: unknowing about all the recent events.
  • Language: repeat the same words and phrases, to speak slowly, decrease demonstration of affection, shaking, hallucination, dream alteration.
  • Coordination: loss of coordination and equilibrium, difficulty to walk and write.
  • Own care: necessity of help to wash, choose the cloth, fecal and urinary incontinence.

Final state:
  • Memory and language: incapacity to learn new concepts, loss of memory of recent and past events, reduction of vocabulary, incapacity to read and comprehension and repeat words or phrases.
  • Behavior and mood: frequently shaking, incapacity to remember the career, difficulty to walk, write, sit down, smile or swallow.
  • Own care: necessity to most help to realize the daily activities life.

First state: antidepressant, stimulants or other drugs, do exercises in group or individually like puzzle, read... or physical activities.

Final state: morphine and counsel.

Global deterioration scale de Reisberg
This scale evaluates the patients with Alzheimer and classifies them in 7 states.

Communication and organization in home
  - Verbal: short and less words and simple phrases.
  - Nonverbal: gesture, smile, silence, corporal posture, facial expression.

Sign the rooms with draws or simple words and remodel the rooms if is necessary.

Video about the Alzheimer, his symptoms, how to communicate with the patient…

It’s a syndrome with alteration in the level of conscience, attention, memory, orientation, thought, language or perception. The patients also have illusion and hallucination because he/she misunderstand the reality.

Risk factors:
  •  Serious disease, depression, alcohol, dehydration, malnutrition.
  •     Iatrogenic, physical restriction, use of urinary catheter.
Non pharmacology treatment
-         The patient has to have a mater, help in the orientation, lit room…

Pharmacology treatment
-         Haloperidol, tioridacina, levopromacina…

Video. How to recognize the delirium.

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