lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013


  -  Identify the health state of the patient.
  -  Establish care plane.
  -  Provide specific interventions to solve these necessities.

Virginia Henderson’s cares.
Help the person in the realization of these activities that contribute to their health, recovery or calm death.

Maslow's pyramid
To plan in geriatrics
Use the dates of the evaluation to elaborate a plan care. Stages:
  •  Assignment of priorities.
  •  Establish the aims.
  •  Plan the strategies.
  •  Redact the orders.
  •  Redact the care plan.
This stage is done by the nurse, patient, family, community or other professional. The purpose is catching the objectives.

         1.      Reassessment of the patient.
         2.      Validation of the care plan.
         3.      Determining the necessity of attendance.
         4.      Execution of strategies.
         5.      Communicate of the actions.
In this stage we know the effect that we have done in the patient and the efficiency of our care plan. According to Virginia Henderson, the necessities of geriatric patients are:
         1.  Breathing normally.
         2.  Drinking and eating adequate.
         3.  Eliminate for all our corporal tracts.
         4.  Maintain a good corporal alignment.
         5.  Sleep and rest.
         6.  Use adequate clothe, dress and undress.
         7.  Normal corporal temperature.
         8.  Maintaining good hygiene.
         9.  Avoid environmental risks.
        10. Communicate.
        11. Having beliefs and principles.
        12. Be busy.
        13. Participate in recreational activities.

        14. Learning, finding and satisfy the curiosity.

Breathing normally
     Care nursing:
         - Avoid fatigue.
         - Promote the exercise.
         - Control de weight and the liquids.
         - Teach to cough.
         - Avoid the tobacco.

Drinking and eating suitably
Care nursing:
  - Control de nutrition.
  - Help in the hygiene of the food.

  - Teach a diet.

Care nursing:
  - Intestinal training.
  - Bladder training.
  - Cares in the intestinal incontinence.
  - Help with the hygiene.
  - Establish a timetable for ingest of liquids.
  - Avoid irritant drink.
  - Diet rich in fiber but poor in grease.

Maintain a good corporal alienation
Care nursing:
  - Improve corporal mechanism.
  - Control the energy.
  - Promote the exercise.
  - Teach activities and exercises.
  - Relax the musculature.
  - Valuate the home’s condition.
  - Valuate the emotional state. 
  - Observe the positions.


 Care nursing:
      - Control ingest of liquids.
      - Increase physical activity.
      - Promote comfortable clothe to sleep.
      - If there are big changes in this situation, derive to a specialist.

Dress and undress
Care nursing:
  - Valuate the capacity to dress, hygiene.
  - Adjust recommendations to the clothes and footwear achcording to the patient’s economy.
  - Inform about using natural cloth and to wear clothe and footwear adequate to the temperature.

Care nursing:
  - Control de temperature.
  - Application hot or cold.
  - Treatment the fever or hypothermia.
  - Do exercise.
  - Avoid exposition to sunlight.
  - Control ingest of liquids. Avoid the alcohol.
  - Use adequate cloth.

  - Protect zones exposed to the sunlight.

   Maintaining good hygiene
   Care nursing:
     - Promote mouth hygiene.
     - Special attention to the feet: nails, use pumice stone..
     - Prevention the ulcers or other wounds.

Avoid environmental risks
Care nursing:
  - Exercise therapy.
  - Use of drugs.
  - Control of the medicines.
  - Information about helps like: canes, hearing aid...

Care nursing:
  • Promote the comunication.
  • Promote the socialization.
  • Give them information about places where they can interact whit other people.

Having beliefs and principles
Care nursing:
  - Inform about the importance to have balance espiritual.

    Be busy
    Care nursing:
       - Look for activities.
       - Group therapy.
       - Family suport.

    Learning, finding and satisfy the curiosity
    Care nursing:
      - Sanitary education.
      - Teach about the disease.
      - Valuate cognitive function.

I think Virginia Henderson’s cares are very important, but we, in many cases don’t use it because we have much patients and not much time.
    When I was in the medical center in Zaragoza I only use these evaluation for my PAE, so in my opinion, it would must necessary to reduce the patients that go to the consult in the same day. With this we expend more time in each patient and the attention will be better.

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